This talk was recorded at NDC London in London, England. #ndclondon #ndcconferences #developer #softwaredeveloper Attend the next NDC conference near you: Subscribe to our YouTube channel and learn every day: / @NDC Follow our Social Media! #ddd Misunderstandings between developers and the business are a plague. Bad communication makes projects fail. This talk presents a remedy. The session's highlight will be a practical demonstration with the auditorium as an interview partner. Domain Storytelling is a technique to transform domain knowledge into effective business software. It brings together domain experts and development teams to: (a) understand the domain of a software system, (b) find microservices boundaries, and (c) talk about requirements. We let domain experts tell us stories about their tasks. While listening, we record the stories using an easy-to-understand pictographic language. The domain experts can see immediately whether we understand their story correctly. After very few stories, we are able to talk about the people, processes, and events in that domain. The talk is aimed at everyone involved or interested in software development, including non-technical people.